What has IoT to do with Blockchain ?
The number of connected objects in the world is following a really high speed of growth. According to Gartner, in 2017, 8,4 billions of...

Banks and Insurances are up to speed with Blockchain
There are many experiments, and development projects on-going right now, especially in the banking and the insurance industries. In an...

With Blockchain, the future of contract is "SMART"
Source : Blockchaintechnologies.com A Smart contract, is a new type of contract, enabled by the Blockchain technology. Its main...

Procurement managers : grab the opportunity of Blockchain
The Blockchain is spreading in many sectors and for many applications, and probably a lot of the applications are not yet neither studied...

Blockchain a game changer for the Supply-Chain
How many third-parts do companies need to rely on, especially in the supply-chain, in order to make business together ? If you think...

Do you know Nakamoto ? The origin of Blockchain
The origin of the blockchain is in the Bitcoin, this virtual currency created in 2009. As a matter of fact in 2008, after the financial...